We promise to

Inform and involve your employees in the CSR processes

Boost Corporate Social Responsability

Reduce travel costs

... and not necessarily in this order.

What is Upstain.me?

A sustainable business travel platform which is connected to a charity platform where users can donate their trip savings to preferred charity organisations.


Our focus is social and environmental impact.


Corporate travel agreements are outdated and travel tools obsolete, companies are losing lots of money.


We refresh this industry.


The concept is to use a hybrid of manual and automatic aggregation for flights and hotels. Compare the corporate agreement prices to the consumer market.

We promise to give you the best price, if the price decreases until the booking, we rebook and you donate the difference.

Reinvesting our profit in other social and environmental projects to generate even more impact.

How it works?

If you follow the link below you can see a mockup taking the user through a booking process. We want to motivate the travellers to take cheaper travel options without giving the feeling that they are losing something. One of the major advantages is the moral boost which is generated by giving the opportunity to the traveller to choose where he would like to donate the savings.


With gamification we aim to raise the interest and engagement of the users. After every operation a status update is made for the travels and donations.


The tool gives the opportunity for the corporate superusers to decide the percentage of the savings up for donations. Benefits for the corporate lower travel costs and 30% tax return from the donations.


Check out our interactive prototype.

Web prototype Mobile prototype

We cover all

Our pitch deck

This is a general deck, for a more personalized pitch please get in contact with us we will identify your needs and focus our decks to it.

  Download Pitchdeck

Our Awesome Team

Who crafts the idea from nothing to something.

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Laszlo Soos


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Hanna Kovacs


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Adam Kiss


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Lorant Bene


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Szabolcs Soos


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